Does Covid-19 have you questioning your summer vacation plans? You’re not alone. Americans across the country are starting to plan out their next vacation to be within driving distance. Flights may be cheap right now, but prices are expected to rise as demand increases. Airlines are looking to recoup their recent losses and “will be looking for ways to boost their profitability when travel demand returns – so consumers should be on the lookout for greater fees and charges, such as checked baggage, seat fees, snacks and drinks, and ticket change fees.” Couple that with the health concerns of frequenting airports right now. Plus, there’s the very real problem with destination insecurity. Imagine you book a hotel and flight, or a cruise, in advance and one of those falls through due to quarantine measures or other unforeseen shutdowns from Covid-19 concerns. There’s a lot of uncertainty right now and we should all try our best to control what we can.
Getting Control of Your Summer Vacation
A cabin in the woods, where you can practice all the social distancing you want, is a great option right now. And it could be just the thing to help you and your family relax and reconnect in a safe, but beautiful, spot in southern Oklahoma. Pine Lake in Broken Bow, Oklahoma is just minutes away from Beaver’s Bend state park with all the uncrowded nature walks you could ask for. The restaurants in the surrounding area have more than risen to the occasion and offer carry-out options to keep everyone safe and fed during your stay. Check out our article on all the surrounding businesses for phone numbers, websites, and more information.
Within Driving Distance
Pine Lake in Broken Bow, Oklahoma is probably closer than you think. If you live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth metroplex, Oklahoma City, Tulsa, Shreveport, or Little Rock area, you’re within a one-day’s driving distance. Load up your family in the morning and arrive at your luxury cabin before it’s time for bed. Check out the cabins we offer, reserve your stay, and breath a little easier knowing that you can get to your summer vacation spot from the safety of your car.
Now, more than ever, planning ahead for your summer vacation is paramount. A safe and easy drive to one of our luxury cabins in the stunning natural beauty of Broken Bow is a great bet. Book now so that your family can have a peaceful summer vacation that won’t soon be forgotten.
Learn more about us or contact us today at or at (972)-587-0770.